Monday, February 9, 2009

No Martha Stewart

I get a "craft a day" email from Martha Stewart. She encourages me to branch out.. be artistic.. creative.. every day. Most days I look at the craft and say, "That's cute. I should make that." I'll save it in the inbox for a few days, then delete it when I realize.. it ain't gonna happen. Now Martha makes me feel guilty... for not heeding her advice.

Then came this craft.
And I thought..."Hearts made from paper napkins.. I can do THIS!"

I bought a couple of packs of red and pink napkins, printed out the instructions, grabbed my scissors and started folding and cutting. I went through 16 pink luncheon size napkins before I finally cut out ONE complete heart doily. You have to fold the napkin ... just so... or the cut outs will just be random hearts and not a connected circle of hearts.

I should have checked the comments on the craft instructions page.. they had a hard time understanding the directions as well. "This is such a cute design. I have the magazine and it has the same directions. I can't make it work. Is there something missing in the directions. Also, I can't get the video to play. HELP! emnickgran "

Then Rachel and Sarah decided they wanted to be crafty. I gave them the instructions, the paper napkins, the scissors and then sat back to see how they would fare.

There were mishaps along the way. But instead of tossing their paper cut outs in the trash... like their momma... they saw beauty in the mistakes.

] One of our kitchen windows.

Sarah finds Martha facinating while Rachel finds her felonious. Martha was her hero. Rachel loved watching her show. She would pour over articles in Living magazine then urge me to help her try out a recipe. Now, every time she sees the magazine or runs across Martha on TV she narrows her eyes and whispers, "She spent time in jail."
Sarah shrugs and says... "I bet she got a tattoo." When Rachel glares at her.. she'll snicker and say, "She probably redesigned the uniforms, decorated her cell and even cooked candle light dinner for the fellow prisoners."

Regardless of where they got their instructions, the two sisters were successful and ended up making enough doilies to decorate eight tables for a Valentine's Dinner tomorrow night. And the kitchen looks Valentiney!

Keep the Faith and Be Crafty!
~ Amy

PS. Sorry for the delay in posts. Austin went to see a new doctor last week...and he gave him a new diagnosis. One we've never heard of before. I'll explain later... still trying to understand it all.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

LOL I get that email too and another one from Family Fun something or the other. I have a cute Vday craft I'm gonna be posting soon too. Yours was so fun!